
Barbed Wire

Barbed Wire

Strictly Fences has been installing barbed wire fences in Saskatchewan for over 20 years. Traditional farm fencing incorporates multiple strands of barbed wire attached to wooden fence posts. Barbed wire fence is typically viewed as the most cost effective method of fencing large areas of land. When Strictly Fences first started fencing in 1995 our typical Barbed Wire Fence customer was a farmer who found himself short on time. Many years later we have evolved into a contractor who not only builds fences for farmers but also works for oil and gas companies, highways departments, mine sites and Governments alike. Our modern, safe, user friendly equipment makes Strictly Fences a leader in the Barbed Wire Fencing industry and your number one choice.

Barbed wire fences remain the standard fencing choice for keeping livestock either in or out in most regions. The wire is aligned under tension between heavy, braced, fence posts (strainer posts) and then held at the correct height by being attached to wooden or steel fence posts. The gaps between posts may vary depending on the type of post being used and terrain in question. On short fences in hilly terrain posts may be placed as close as every 12’, while in flat terrain over long spans with relatively few stock the posts may be spaced as far apart as 30’ to 50’. Posts are normally spaced at 16’6” (1 rod length) apart. Corner posts are 5”-6” in diameter and are a minimum of 7 feet in length and must be driven to a depth of 2’6”. Intermediate posts are 3”-4” in diameter and are typically a minimum of 6’ in length and must be driven to a depth of at least 2′.

Barbed wire for agricultural fencing is typically available in two varieties: soft or mild-steel wire and high-tensile. Both types are galvanized for longevity. Barbed wire is usually placed on the inner (pasture) side of the posts. Where a fence runs between two pastures livestock could either be with the wire, on the outside or on both sides of the fence. Barbed wire for agriculture use is typically double-strand 12½-gauge, zinc-coated steel and comes in rolls of 1,320 ft. in length. High-tensile wire is made with thinner but higher-strength steel. Its greater strength makes fences longer lasting because it resists stretching and loosening better, coping with expansion and contraction caused by heat and animal pressure by stretching and relaxing within wider elastic limits. Galvanized wire is classified into three categories; Classes I, II, and III. Class I has the thinnest coating and the shortest life expectancy. A wire with Class I coating will start showing general rusting in 8 to 10 years, while the same wire with Class III coating will show rust in 15 to 20 years.

Ranch Rail

Perfect for ranches, fields and farms…or even if you just seek a rural appearance to your property borders. National Vinyl Products Ranch Rail fence systems are designed to withstand the rigors of rural life. With long-term expenses being considerably less than traditional wooden fence, you can rest assured that our ranch rail style fences will deliver years of trouble free ownership. The clean lines of a gentle, rolling ranch rail fence define your property boundaries without marring the natural beauty of the environment.

Once installed, a NVP Fence Ranch Rail fence system provides a lifetime of lasting beauty and function. Not only will the ranch rail style fence not require painting, it will not flake, peel, discolor, blister or fall prey to insect damage. Furthermore, animal safety is enhanced since this is not a material that horses or livestock will chew on.

Stocked in white 2 rail, 3 rail and 4 rail style with the following specs.

  • 1 1/2” x 5 1/2” rails
  • 3” X 3” Diamond rails
  • Posts 5”x 5”, installed as 8′ on center.
  • Gates available from 4′ to 10′ in width.

Other colours (Almond, Stone and Clay) available by request and by special order.

With Strictly Fences and our National Vinyl Products fence systems, your imagination is your only limitation. We can bring your idea of the perfect fence into reality. Low maintenance, durability, beauty, and unlimited customization possibilities make a National Vinyl Products brand fence system by Strictly Fences the perfect fence solution. You simply won’t find better, more attractive fencing products in the market today.

3 Rail Ranch Rail